Ah hollywood how much I enjoy bashing your practices and storytelling methods that completely abandon any orginal ideas for the sake of profits. Ever since the early 2010's people on youtube like otaku assemble told people in his video that hollywood only does a reboot, sequel, adaptation these days because of risk of losing profits even though they make around over billion dollars on a good day at the box office. But recently due to the covid-19 crisis box office has taken a toll on hollywood due to what is going on and the one of the most successful films to come out of 2020 was a video game adaptation of a famous blue hedgehog from a company by Sega.
Ever since the writers strike of 2008 or some since 1997 hollywood became a joke because they went to the cheap route of treating fans like piggy banks and idiots who want to watch the most boring and blandest crap as much as possible look at the writers strike of 2008 and it's aftermath hollywood started to push reboots, adaptations, sequels, etc and most aren't even good reboots let alone adaptations or sequels due to poor writing, bad acting, unfaithful to the source material. And the people in the writing seat tend to be complete jerks to their audience on twitter to the point they scare their audience. Trust me you don't want to anger your audience because they keep you from getting homeless. Let alone give you more job opportunities in Hollywood.
Let me recomend a book called don't support those that hate you by brian Niemeier of project frame Xseed fame where he goes into detail on the subject that I'm talking about here. Other words that book supports my opinion that Hollywood lost it's way, lost it's touch, lost it's magic as per say. They went completely creativity bankrupt in the creative side and to the inovation side of things as well and yes creative and inovation go along with the word creative. But let me say this hollywood is only there for the money these days not to entertain people but to suck em dry of their money from their wallets. While many actors to writers spit on the face of their many audience that they get their paychecks from. So stop supporting them and start creating our own content in order to start a new age of creativity because California including Hollywood isn't going to do jack what for the time being.
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