Friday, February 26, 2021

Final Fantasy VII Remake: a pretty good title but.....the fandom is another story!


    It's almost been a year since final fantasy vii remake was released on the ps4 and my opinions of the game is that for certain its better than that disappointment that is called final boy band camp xv okay final fantasy xv but anyways its really superior than that title from the gameplay like its more HARDER and gives you more of a challenge than ffxv the monster designs look cool and they even found a way to add one of the most weirdest enemies in a ff game called the hellhouse as a boss in one of the chapters. The Soundtrack is a banger I have to admit that because besides the amazing remixes this game has it also includes new songs that are also bangers as well which will become fan faves in the future in the long run. the graphics are pretty amazing but there some problems with the backgrounds when you are walking around in the slums. the voice acting is pretty solid despite not having the vets Steve Burton or the rest of the og crew. 
Instead we got teen wolf's Cody Christian who plays Cloud this time around as well as John Eric Bentley as Barret which actually a better Barret than the og actor who plays jet from cowboy bebop I don't remember the rest of the remake's voice cast that's in the English moment but for some reason the og voice cast for Japanese is still there for some reason which still scratches my head. Okay enough with the short review of the game let me tell you the other reason why I typed up this post is because of its insane fandom. I'm not talking about the whole Final Fantasy fandom im talking about FFVII fandom or I say FANDUMB because they are the reason why i dont like ffvii that much anymore because if you say one thing critical about the entry you will get crushed on the internet like its no tomorrow getting responses that your freaking wrong or you are just nitpicking it to no end etc and etc. And people say Final Fantasy Versus XIII fanboys not ffxv dont mind you are annoying oh boy at least we are not as toxic and actually have the right to be upset at square enix for dumping Nomura Tetsuya (or Tetsuya Nomura) original ideas and gameplay elements into the game are toxic. The final fantasy vii fandom only cares about the migar arc which is the starting point of the game which is only like a fraction of the game and forget about the rest of the game when the game becomes good seriously in my opinion the best parts of ffvii is when you leave migar and the game turns into a tale of redemption, self discovery, amazing boss fights, Vincent Valentine, the golden saucer, the weapons, and the lovecraftian like alien creature jenova.
    I forgot to include the final showdown between our hero and villain at the end of the game sorry for the slight spoiler but hey its a epic as hell way to end the game the player spent hours on and a amazing way to conclude the game. Yet most correction many of its fans forget or disregard the man reason why final fantasy vii is loved is because of its story about saving a world with broken people as its heroes Barret has regret, tifa has a deep hatred of shinra, cloud is living in some else's life so all this time he is living a lie which breaks him near the end of the game. yuffie is a thief oh i mean "treasure hunter"  that originally traveled with them to steal their materia. the main villain sephiroth who was once a hero who was beloved by all from shinra solider forces/ regular soldiers to the civilians of the world of ffvii to a insane mad man who wants to bring a "reunion" to the planet by colliding it with a meteor with the help of jenova which he as well as solider members cells were implemented in order to give them super strength after reading books/records about his creation. Its not a story about anti capitalism/corporatism as many in the ffvii fandom will tell you because it phases out after leaving migar and focuses on jenova, more on the ancients and their role for the planet, and the struggles of our main cast which comes together to create a grand journey that will change their lives.  

    Thats in the original Final Fantasy VII because in the remake sorry for slight spoilers for those who are reading this blog post is actually a reboot, retelling of the famous mythos of the final fantasy series that fans love hence the title REMAKE they shoulda called it REBOOT instead but hey its Japan after all and guess what im all down for all of the changes they will do in the sequel of the remake chapter one: migar arc. Again im welcoming the changes to the story with open arms as a fan of final fantasy and a fan of video games in general and yes we got ever crisis for our orginal atb turn based battle system fix as well telling all of the games in the ffvii series that includes crisis core, advent children, to dirge of cerberus to add to the mix but boy I wished they added a switch port because its perfect for handhelds and hardcore fans of the orginal final fantasy vii title. I have to point something out though im not pointing fingers at anyone but harassing people for different opinions about ffvii which includes the remake but there are some people on the net who are big fans of ffvii and looked forward to it but they gotten burnt out due to dealing with its fan dumb for instance let me give a shout out two good friend of mine as well as a awesome final fantasy youtubers solider first class and the night sky prince who were hyped as hell talking about the remake as well as the orginal but due to stress as well as harassment from the over "passionate" fan base of ffvii they decided to focus on other entries in the final fantasy series due to the reasons I explained just now its a shame because it sickens me that "passionate" fans bully and mock other ff fans for not excepting the remake or pointing out the originals flaws. 

    So to end my post involving ffvii and its remake let me say that im not going to let anyone enjoy how I enjoy final fantasy vii or its remake but even though night sky prince have different opinions on how we enjoy ffvii but at we put that aside and enjoy final fantasy as a whole along with solider first class and many amazing ff fans that aren't toxic and managed to treat each other with respect and kindness. I like final fantasy vii despite my gripes with most of the fan base regarding the title Also I thank Yoshinori Kitase, Nobuo Uematsu, Tetsuya Nomura, Kazushige Nojima, and the father of Final Fantasy Hironobu Sakaguchi as well as an for the tifa fans thank Masato Kato as well due to making tifa into a full fledged character in ffvii as well as his other inputs in the title. For making Final Fantasy VII happen and creating many many memories for many gamers and introducing many in the west during the psx era to the amazing JRPG era. So till then that all I have to say and I look forward to seeing many of you soon.







Thursday, February 25, 2021

Why modern Hollywood Fails at Telling Stories!

  Ah hollywood how much I enjoy bashing your practices and storytelling methods that completely abandon any orginal ideas for the sake of profits. Ever since the early 2010's people on youtube like otaku assemble told people in his video that hollywood only does a reboot, sequel, adaptation these days because of risk of losing profits even though they make around over billion dollars on a good day at the box office. But recently due to the covid-19 crisis box office has taken a toll on hollywood due to what is going on and the one of the most successful films to come out of 2020 was a video game adaptation of a famous blue hedgehog from a company by Sega. 

  Ever since the writers strike of 2008 or some since 1997 hollywood became a joke because they went to the cheap route of treating fans like piggy banks and idiots who want to watch the most boring and blandest crap as much as possible look at the writers strike of 2008  and it's aftermath hollywood started to push reboots, adaptations, sequels, etc and most aren't even good reboots let alone adaptations or sequels due to poor writing, bad acting, unfaithful to the source material. And the people in the writing seat tend to be complete jerks to their audience on twitter to the point they scare their audience. Trust me you don't want to anger your audience because they keep you from getting homeless. Let alone give you more job opportunities in Hollywood.

  Let me recomend a book called don't support those that hate you by brian Niemeier of project frame Xseed fame where he goes into detail on the subject that I'm talking about here. Other words that book supports my opinion that Hollywood lost it's way, lost it's touch, lost it's magic as per say. They went completely creativity bankrupt in the creative side and to the inovation side of things as well and yes creative and inovation go along with the word creative. But let me say this hollywood is only there for the money these days not to entertain people but to suck em dry of their money from their wallets. While many actors to writers spit on the face of their many audience that they get their paychecks from. So stop supporting them and start creating our own content in order to start a new age of creativity because California including Hollywood isn't going to do jack what for the time being.

Its been a while what took you so long!

 Man oh man it's been a long while since I typed on a blog. And I know it's gonna be a short post because I haven't typed here in three to four years how I can tell because of my previous post that was up since 2018 yes thats a while ago.

 Let me tell you why I wanted to type on a blog again is because I felt inspired by independent book authors I met on twitter named Brian Niemeier which is famous for his project frame Xseed books (thanks blacksaged for recomending his works to me) and his friend and fellow author JD Cowan who makes really good blog post on his blog. Which in turn got me into writing again I know I'm a amateur compared to them when typing on a blog but one day I will slowly get to the level of capturing an audience.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Spider-Man PS4 Best Spider-Man Game since Spider-Man 2 for the ps2

You know I don't fall into the hype of the latest video games and whatnot and that involves super heroes for that matter I will not be interested in at all. This game included in fact if I haven't seen the gameplay of this game I wouldn't buy it at all but I actually stumbled some gameplay footage of this game and my god it looked fun and I haven't looked back at that moment ever since. During my long walk I stumbled upon a game stop and I asked the clerk that I can buy spider-man for the ps4 After I gotten the game from the store I played it to the point I platinum the game which is one of the only two platinum titles I did for my ps4 first was the utter disappointing trash by the name of final fantasy xv. So anyways this game is one of the best titles for the ps4 due to the amount of content this game has as well as amazing gameplay, an awesome intro song by warby jets, tons of spider man costumes you can chose for spider man, and swinging around New York City is a amazing experience to the point i catch goosebumps when i swing from building to building. and punching bad guys using various techniques and whatnot I know its not a review but a quick thoughts post about one of the best games for the ps4 just pick the game up because if your a spiderman fan you wont regret it one bit.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Why I LOVE Japanese Games part 9: Kingdom Hearts

Why I didn't make a post about this series sooner. Because I forgot thats why besides final fantasy kingdom hearts is another IP from Square Enix (I just call them square) that I adore very much. As you can tell the amounts of zippers and belts the characters are wearing the series is created by tetsuya nomura. The series is known for being a crossover between modern nomura era final fantasy and disney (yes that disney) as well as it's hack and slash gameplay which makes the games even more enjoyable. For other people it's known for it's COMPLEX AND CONVOLUTED PLOT to the point that every game is actually a requirement to play in order to understand the storyline. To save to you can go on wiki's and buy the 1.5+2.5 remix collections for the ps4 and that can get you to up to speed with kingdom hearts. The memories of me playing this series has been great that even my two sisters will watch me and my brother play kingdom hearts 1 and 2 and having discussions amongst  siblings and friends to each other and sharing the hype for KH3. I also love the concept of the keyblade one view they are weapons to fight the darkness and to others it's a way to bring peace to the worlds of kingdom hearts or to bring ruin due to unlocking the doors to darkness. Or the disney worlds that many people/fans love due to the disney elements in them (man when they are going to do a square world like a final fantasy world or dragon quest world). Also the don't forget the music tracks by Yoko Shimoura which started out as midis to now orchestrated tracks and the battle themes are amazing in the series and you have to play the games to agree wtih me there. Also the battle sequences are awesome in my opinon defiantly for one on one fights because you have to use your reflexes and brain a whole lot more than fighting a giant heartless or nobodies. So that's my quick thoughts on why I love the Kingdom Hearts very much so what are your thoughts about the series leave your thoughts in the comment section.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Why I LOVE Japanese Games Part 8: Metal Slug series

Just love the sprite work put into this series

Yo this is your boy the omegakatana bringing you another why I love japanese games episode 8 and it’s on another famous SNK series. The series is called metal slug the series is a run and gun game which are mostly cheap and require fast reflexes in order to enjoy them but this series stands out the most due to it’s amazing pixel graphics and designs of the characters and enemies. Also it’s gameplay is compelely addicting as hell because it’s easy to pick up diffcult to master. and boy these games get difficult when you get to the final stages of the game and some of the final bosses take forever to kill like the one in metal slug 5. How I gotten into the series first off I saw it’s display mode on a neo geo cabinet in my local flea market and I was so amazed seeing the pixels move around so fast as well detailed they are also how fun the gameplay looked like. unfortunately I NEVER EVER GET TO PLAY THOSE GAMES HATE BEING BROKE AS A KID! I never ever get to play one untill my granpa bought me metal slug collection for the psp for my birthday and I never ever put the game down at all. it’s the most played psp game I played besides macross ace frontier and guilty gear judgement (which includes guilty gear XX). I  beaten every metal slug game in the collection over and over but the first one is always my favorite one for some reason. And I LOVE the other games as well but the first one sticks out to me being the one I enjoyed the most. Infact it’s the best shooter games I ever played and it isnt a 1st person shooter which most you will say “metal slug isnt a shooter its a run and gun game” metal slug to me it’s a 2d platform shooter and this series still have it’s charm when I first played the games even more so than the OVERRATED Call of Duty series which those games have no replay value if you dont got internet or no psn or xbox live. So I end this video with this what are your favortie metal slug games or why the series is awesome comment please feel free to explain it in the comment box below the video, if you enjoyed this short video please leave a like and subscribe for more content and I really hope you enjoyed this video as well as me making it and I hope you have an amazing day.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Why I love Japanese Games Part 7: The King of Fighters Series

I didn't know Kyo had a move like that in the game

Yo this is your boy omegakatana here with another episode of my favortie japanese games series. in the past episodes I mostly review japanese series that are jrpgs, a platformer series and my list of favortie shrumps by niche company named cave. This time its on a series of fighting games by a famous or somewhat famous developer by the name of SNK. I know im going to be covering some of the best works like metal slug, samurai shodown, last blade 1 and 2, and garou mark of the wolves. But today im talking about their most famous and most popular work the King of Fighters series. KOF orginally started as a crossover series between art of fighting fatal fury ikari warriors and so on to see who is the best with the orginal bad guy rugal burstein being the main badguy but over time the series became its own universe with it’s own mythos, characters,personality, and style overtime to the point that newcomers get mistakened for art of fighting characters and fatal fury characters as orginal characters to the KOF series instead of being orginated from their own prepective series. After KOF94 was a success SNK made 95 96 97 98 and so on and those are a hit in the arcades in other countries. Due to the fact that arcades are kinda dying by the time KOF was starting to become its own shell after releasing 96 plus people mistaked it as a Street Fighter clone which far from it and I hate it when people say that to fighting games that arent popular as street fighter clones. Im not going to get into a story symopiths with the kof series because that will take FOREVER TO TYPE plus this about why the series is one of my favorite japanese game series after all.

How I gotten into KOF let me tell you a short condenced verison of it back in the early 2000's my famliy was bought a series games called Capcom vs SNK and we played the games to death thanks to street fighter characters we knew where crossover with these unique characters from a game company which I vaguely knew only from neo geo which has better designs better characteristics even more so than the street fighter series to the point I grew attached to the SNK characters or KOF in particular. And as a result I began to rather play or begged my father to play kyo in order to pit against iori yagami due to the awesome intro which street fighter character does that. or Terry Bogard thanks to watching the OVA adaption back in the late 90's when I was a kid. Fast forward a couple of years later my famliy bought KOF 2003 which is one of my faves still to this day thanks to the tag system of the marvel vs capcom games instead of the usual 3 vs 3 battle system. Although the game looked dated due to the fact that neo geo was on it’s last years of its life when this came out. my dad played it to death and it’s the last time I will ever see my dad play any video games ever besides playing soul calibur 4. I played it as well but wasnt as good as he was and I still enjoyed playing that game. fast forward a acouple of more years and I discovered KOF XI at my local flea market and bought it on the fly due to being kof I loved the game to death as well had that awesome tag system that the kof 03 was known for and made it better. Then two years later I discovered emulation which how I discovered the neo geo classics like samurai shodown, metal slug, and etc and also thats how I gotten to play kof 96-02 and those games are great besides kof 94 (to dated for my taste),95 (I didnt like this game besides iori at all), 2000(I didnt like it at all),01 (that game SUCKS),02(PLAY THE ULTRMATE MATCH EDITION) but I really enjoyed 96,97,98, and 99 during the neo geo era or emulation when I discovered them. Year down the road I played KOF XIII and XIV which are highly recomended games if you love fighting games and not play them for money or popularity power because the series in general is diffcult but rewarding due to increasing you skills in fighting games. For instance if you a beast in kof you will be a pro at street fighter im serious. The gameplay of the series is mostly the traditional 3 on 3 battle system meaning if one of your characters is down its your next character or you opporents and if manage to take out all of your oppents characters you win the match and so forth. over time it when to the striker system which is completly USELESS in my opinon due to having a forth character only using for special attacks or distraction complely wasting a slot. and the mentioned tag battle system of 03 and XI I love that system the most I know people will disagree with me on that point but its my opinon. So I end it with my recomendations/favorties out of the series 96,97,98UM,99,02UM,03,XI,XIII,XIV. So what are your favorite moments out of the series and also what do you think about the series as a whole in general.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Why I LOVE Japanese Games Part 6: CAVE Shumps

it's harder than it looks but still a blast to play

Yo this ya boy the omegakatana bringing you another episode of my favorite Japanese game series. This time it isnt a jrpg or a fighting game or a platformer but a series of shrumps by a small company named CAVE. This video isn’t about the company CAVE themselves but their games or at least the ones that I played so far. Im not going to get into story details at all due to the fact I only care about blowing things up and not getting hit/or killed and not for the plot. So no story details on the games about to cover. Also one more thing this is gonna be a very very short video or other words the shortest my favorite japanese games episode. The first CAVE game a played was a game called eprade or dondopachi one of the two so ether or those are my first cave games I played. Eprade is unqiue due to controlling humans with phyich powers that are strong enough to blow up ships and other machines. the cool thing about this game is that with the c button on arcade or whatever you set the button in mame your character develops a force field around the character and the longer you hold the button the force field grows bigger and aborbs the bullets your enemies fire at you. now with dondopachi it’s the second game in the donpachi series although I played the first game donpachi that game moved like a turtle compared to the awesome sequels that came after it including the one about to talk about. So anyways dondopachi seems like a regular shrump which is very very hard and intense but it’s note worthy for it’s twist at the end that your comanding officer is the bad guy of the game the whole time. While the first game (which is the ONLY THING you should care about) is it’s ending where you are ACTUALLY KILLING YOUR OWN ALLIES THAT ARE ACTING LIKE ALIEN INVADERS. In order to develop the best fighter squadron which is totally stupid and disgusting in my opinon. Anyways the game play for dondopachi and it’s sequels are FUN AS HELL with high replay value due to blowing things up and trying not to die which is impossable to do if your a rookie. Next game we have progear for the cps2 arcade board (or mame) this game is unique again due to it’s setting takes place in a 1890s vibe or steampunk setting where you control a pliot that is trying to fend off invaders from another kingdom or empire with suppior tech. I don’t about the story due to me that I play cave games to blow things up thats it. So the gameplay view is a horizontal instead of vertical uptop view like most shrumps do it’s easy to pick up but difficult to master but also this game has high replay value. Next we have granage sorry for the mispronunciation of the title I dont speak japanese and speaking of japanese this shrump takes place in sengoku japan where you control people who have yokai posecessing them and it’s actually part of the game mechanic where your demon or yokai can attack enemies or aborb bullets for you. I dont know about the plot again due to the fact I only play to shoot things so go on a wiki or google the game for the plot. the game is pretty fun like all of the cave games I played so I highly recomend it. the next game is  Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi yes it’s a mouth full and it’s a japanese title but it’s a very HARD but FUN game it mostly takes place in a war torn world where an evil weapon company named evac (which cave spelled backwards) where you fight tanks, planes, helicopters, missle launchers etc. also it features a complex number chip system which I can’t figure out at all. Neverless it’s a very fun game to play. So those are my top cave games I will be mentioning in this episode and I know about deathsmiles (I didnt like the game), akai katana which I never played and the mushisama games which are pretty good and love the setting as well . mushi pork which I HATED with a pasion. So what are your top cave games.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Why I LOVE Japanese Games Part 5: Megaman/Rockman Series

Man After almost a decade the blue bomber is getting a new game

Yo this is ya boy OmegaKatana giving you another video. I know it’s another episode of my favortie japanese games video segment and all but this time it’s not on a jrpg but exactly a platforming game and some what jrpg series. The series stars a series of a blue robot named megaman (rockman) and his spinoffs. Lets get started with the video shall we okay I first encounted megaman when I begged my dad to get megaman battle network or a megaman game but failed at every attempt. It wasn’t untill eid back in 2002 when I was 10 years old and I gotten ton of stuff including megaman battle network which I still have memories for till this day for that spinoff for that series and the like I havent played the orginals until years later when I gotten the megaman anniversty collection for the ps2 which I played to DEATH. Also I havent played the megaman x games until the X anniversty collection on the ps2 and that I played till the disk actually broke or gotten lost. But my first megaman X game is megaman xtreme for the gameboy color which I LOVED VERY MUCH although it’s just a recap of the first two megaman x games but I didnt care I loved it. I havent played battle network in years till a friend from high school brought his gameboy with him on the bus and I begged him and watched him played megaman battle network 4 red sun I dont care what people say I liked the game along with the rest of them. As a result that person became my friend as a result and played red sun even at times I felt annoyed a bit because I dont feel like playing at times but neverless I still had great times though with that game. Then I started to play the previous ones as a result the megaman zero series I havent touched them until megaman zero 3 which my mom got me for doing my chores without telling me when to do them. I was lost at first but neverless and just played the game because it was a megaman game but a VERY HARD MEGAMAN GAME. I beaten that game countless of times but I forgotten how to play the game due to not playing it in such a long time. I remember the time when I beaten the game so many times that I used the cyber elf feature to increase my health, z saber combos and movesets (this is before I gotten into fighting games) special ablillties and the like and I LOVED it as a result. The other zero games are okay but 3 still held a place in my heart due to it’s replay value and awesome moments in that game. The megaman star force series I gotten into is with a busmate in school and I asked him to borrow it and as a result I think I beaten the game as well or I rented the game by gamefly but it never held an impact of the battle network series due to being to easy and not as awesome as battle network. Finally legends I havent played the games at all untill I gotten into emulation I liked the games but I got to distracted with other games and hobbies at the time to continue them. As you can tell megaman gave my childhood and teenage years amazing memories with amazing games and the like. If you have amazing memories with the megaman series please leave a comment down below the video. you agreed with my experience or the video please give a like as well. Also if your a gamer who stumbled upon this video please subscribe to the channel because it gives me encouragement to continue doing my hobby of making videos about gaming and other geeky activities. So I hope you enjoy the video I hope you have an amazing day.  

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Star Wars the Original Trilogy (IV to VI) My thoughts on the Original Trilogy of Films

Ah the the orginal star wars trilogy series of movies starting luke skywalker and the rebel alliance fighting against the evil tyrannical galactic empire being led by awesome darth vader and his master darth sidious. The series of flims ranged from 1977 to 1983 kickstarting a series of tv shows trilogies of movies and a empire of toys. Today However im going to talk about why the original star wars trilogy is one of my top favorite flim moments of all time. Seriously watching part iv a new hope aged really well in my opinion just look at the set designs and puperteer work by the famous jim henson studios (seasme street, the muppets, and the dark crystal and labyrinth) for the various alien life forms that inhabit the world of star wars. space battles, storm troopers and the well dressed commanders of the empire. The story of the films made me love the movies even though they are corny and simple in todays eyes let me tell you that they are legendary and memorable because of it. Also the other characters like han solo, princess leia, chewbacca, master yoda and so much more awesome characters than you can even count. Also how the films are shot are breath taking in my opinon to young people that are from the 2000s and 2010s the flims seem like high budgeted 1950's style sci fi flicks. But they are not they are classics and they barely had 3D correction only the lightsabers had a sort of computer effect to them and the sets are made of non 3d material like out of props which is breath taking concerning these films are made back in the late 70's early 80'.That's really impressive. Also the space battles and light saber duels between luke and darth vader in the empire strikes back has to be my favorite movie moment in all of cinema not just in star wars.

When I first watch this scene when I was a kid I was like WHATTT DARTH VADER WAS LUKES SKYWALKERS FATHER! That right there is good writing and people didint supected it it wasnt an asspull but instead how to properly use a plot twist. Most modern movies copy this fomula because it was mostly one of the first of its kind to use this trope im am your father. I know people have problems with the furry Ewoks but I dont have any problem with them being the cute beings that live on endor. Unlike most fans I dont mind them at all they are just natives to the planet endor but that last major battle on the return of the jedi after their long duel while emperor palptine watches. Due to Luke refusing to kill darth vader and turning into the dark side the emperor gets fustrated to the point he uses force lighting to kill luke skywalker darth vader realises what he has become as well as being loyal to the emperor or to save his son from being killed. As a result darth vader sacrifices himself in order to save luke. Right here is how you redeem a character after he sacrifices his life to save a loved one (meaning his son). Even the lightsaber duels even improved from the first two movies which is impressive due to having more of a budget as a result.

Speaking of Luke Skywalker his fast forward to last year and how disney treated luke and his friends like they are a plot device to move the new characters forward which really pissed me off because at the end of the last jedi luke killed im self by using all of his force energy to teleport confront kylo ren. I just end it at that because the last jedi is such a terrible movie that I get angry even thinking about it. While I was watching this on youtube a random comment on youtube made me laugh a little and agreeing with it heres the quote "Whose here for therapy after watching The Last Jedi..." My hatred for the last jedi will be another blog post in the future because I GOT A TON OF REASONS WHY I HATED THAT FLIM AND IT NEEDS A LONG DUE THRASHING. So I conclude with this post saying that this is my opinion at the end of the day and your subjective to your own. im not trying to be cool and hip saying the other trilogies suck and the orginal is the best one.

Why I LOVE Japanese Games Part 4: YS

yup it's about a niche as it can get but this image is one of the reasons why I love YS

Yo this is ya boy gundamthagamer giving you another My favorite JPRG’s video episode and this time it’s on a somewhat niche and classic JRPG series. The series is called YS (pronouced EASE not YS). Mostly the series focuses on a single hero by the name of Adol Christian who travels around the world looking for adventures and each game follows a certain country he has been in. Each game in the series is different so other words there’s no direct sequel unless he comes across characters in previous games for instance his best friend or ally Dogi (doe-gee). That means you can play any game in the series without knowing about story or plot points in the series like Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. The series is created and developed by a famous JRPG developer named Nihon Falcom. Although they have been developing games for a long time since the mid 80's Falcom hasn’t been well known in the JRPG circles outside of Japan until recently thanks to the awesome gaming service named steam as well as the legend of the heroes trails in the sky subseries and it’s sequel series of sorts Cold Steel (sorry if I got the name wrong not didn’t play the games yet). One more thing I forgot to mention that the first or earliest YS games didn’t have an attack button or you have to ram into the enemies to kill them by hitting them diagonally or from behind it’s easier said than done because I died myself trying to kill monsters. As a result I haven’t liked the earlier entries for instance I wasn’t of the gameplay of YS one and two. Then the third entry YS 3 plays like Zelda 2 on the NES and like that game it plays like a platformer and not like a JRPG at least you get to control Adol alot more due to having an attack button unlike the previous two games. Then they went back to the ram combat with YS 4 or the old YS 4 but I only played the awesome remake YS Memories of Celesta on PS VITA please Falcom please release memories of celesta on Steam please. Then There’s YS V for the super famicom or super nintendo only in japan. It’s the first game in the YS series that has a attack button option but the problem of the game is the combat is...SLOW,TANK LIKE, CLUNKY at times and I mean at times because the game doesn’t let you attack you diagonally or makes it difficult enough to attack in that direction. The sound track to the game is HORRIBLE compared to the previous and newer entries in the series. Besides Chrono Trigger needing a remake badly this game fits the list along of JRPGs that need a remake. It was rumored that YS V almost KILLED the YS series for good thanks to tanky, wonky gameplay, horrible ost and a whole list of problems. the series hadn’t have a new entry till almost eight year later in 2003 called YS VI Ark of Naptism. This entry features the traditional zelda look with 3d looking sprites, also working game play mechanics that work in all directions including to small enemies a jump attack, and also it has a attack button that works as well, also a good soundtrack besides being synthish/technoish stylish.

How I got into the YS series.... By renting a fellow “busmate” YS VI Ark of Napthism copy for the psp. To be honest I didn’t like the game at first due to getting used to the combat and gameplay mechanics also I gotten lost and was killed by ultra powerful monsters and the like. YES im a scrub at first then I starting to adapt to the gameplay and whatnot and as a result the game grew on me and I missed it after acouple of renting it from that busmate. Then YS Seven came out and thanks to my grandpa that bought the game for me for a birthday present. This is the first game in the series that features the modern party system combat that you swap party members on the fly. Also the game lets you play as Dogi Adol’s long time companion. Besides having a better soundtrack and all of that I didn’t like YS Seven due to the bosses being like health sponges unlike the previous entries in the series but this one takes the cake due to the monsters take FOREVER TO KILL. To the point I gotten completely bored of the game that I wanted to like but coudn’t get into. Then a year later I picked up YS Oath in Felghana which is a remake of YS 3 but with the tradional YS gameplay mechanics amazing ost, amazing gameplay mechanics, and high replay value. It’s still highly regarded as favorite of mine along with the remake of YS 4 for the PS Vita. Then there is the PS Vita remake of YS 4 Memories of Celestra which is another fave of mine features amazing graphics for the Vita, amazing soundtrack, Improved gameplay mechanics of Seven, and also loved the forest setting of the game. I know YS VIII came out recently but I havent played the game yet but plan too one day My final words are these “please try out the YS series if your a JRPG fan you wont regret it.

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